Haqooq Ul Ibaad is the duty we owe to humanity and there are rights of every soul on another, rights of human beings. Allah Almighty has provided guidance to mankind about human beings. A true Muslim is always concerned with the rights of human being particularly as the right of Allah Almighty. Islam is not just about following the path of righteousness but Islam is a complete way of life which includes both duties towards Allah (SWT) and the duties towards humanity as well. Hoqooq ul Ibaad are equally important as hoqooq ul Allah. We are having a misconception that if we are performing our obligatory prayers, paying zakat and fasting, this is where our duty ends, we are having our place reserved in Jannah. But it’s not like that. If once we show negligence in Huqooq Allah, Allah might forgive us but if we neglect Huqooq ul Ibad, those can’t be forgiven by Allah but only the person whose hoqooq were neglected.
As Almighty Allah says in Qur’an:-And do good to parents and to kindred, and orphans and the needy and speak good to people (2/83).“and gives his dear wealth for love of Allah to kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for redeeming necks, and establishes prayer and pays poor due (Zakat); and the performer of their promises when make promise and the patients in tribulation and adversity and at time of crusade;- These are they, who proved truth of their talks and they are only Allah-fearing” ( 2/177).There is a hadith of when Prophet Muhammad SAW was asked, “Who is the best Muslim?” He replied, “He is the one from whose hand and tongue all Muslims are safe (Sahih Bukhari).Once Prophet Muhammad SAW was asked, “O Messenger of Allah! A certain woman prays in the night, fasts in the day, does pious actions and gives charity, but she injures and hurt her neighbors with her tongue.” The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “There is no good in her. She will go to Fire.” The Sahaba said, “Another woman prays only the prescribed prayers and gives very little as charity and does not injure anyone. Her neighbors happy with her attitude ” The Messenger of God said, “She is one of the people of Paradise.” [Bukhari in Al-Adabul Mufrad]Today we follow Islamic rituals. We offer Salah (Namaz), fasting, giving some Zakat even if not all, and get the opportunity of doing Hajj and Umrah, then we start thinking that we have become perfect Muslims. While these prayers are very important, Islam is not limited to these rituals alone. The knowledge body of Sharia which is called Fiqh (Jurisprudence) consists of four parts. One part of this relates to Ibadat and the other three-fourths relate to Huqooq-ul-Ibad (rights of people) but totally we have totally ignored Huqooq-ul-Ibad from Islam. When we hurt someone unduly we don’t even think about it that we have committed a sin, or done something against the Sharia, or done something that makes Allah SWT angry. We don’t even realise that if we breach someone’s rights, and then at some later we want to do Taubah (repentance) from it, the Taubah would not be accepted until the person whose rights were breached has forgiven us. Causing hurt and distress to any Muslim is a major sin (Gunahe-Kabirah). It is a sin of the same magnitude as drinking alcohol, robbing someone, or stealing from someone.
The most important part is that Muslims should keep in mind that Huqooq ul Ibad doesn’t only comprises the duty of other people they should give specific rights to specific individuals for example parents, spouses, children, neighbors and other Muslims.May Allah SWT guide us to understand the importance of Haqooq-ul Ibaad, so that we may release the duties with the same vehemence as we try to fulfill Haqooq Allah.